Anjet van Linge

Anjet van Linge

Anjet’s work is first and foremost the stone she explores, where she gives and takes, creates.

The forms she carves out of the stones with careful attention can be based on a question, or a feeling. The answer, the sculpture, does not take the place of the original question, and so the viewer can explore both. The viewer is being invited to experience the volumes of stone, to explore the tension and space between and to touch his own sense of wonder.

Anjet van Linge . beeldhouwer
luistert, houwt steen, is stil
Middelstegracht 75-a  .  2312 TT  .  Leiden  .  The Netherlands . KvK 28102112
t +31 (0) 6 38 31 35 19  .

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